Month: January 2023

Rodent Infestation: How To Identify and Prevent Them?

Rodent infestations can be very destructive for your home and health. These invasive and dangerous pests are known to carry a myriad of diseases and damage your property extensively. Plus, they multiply in numbers very quickly. This is why it is vital to detect and prevent a rodent infestation as soon as you spot one. However, many …

Rodent Infestation: How To Identify and Prevent Them? Read More »

Pest Infestations: 3 Factors That Attract Pests to Your House

Just like any other being, pests also need food and shelter to survive. They are always looking for places that will help them sustain their needs, and sometimes your home is the ideal option for them. Certain things attract pests to your home, which is why they infest homes. However, most homeowners are clueless about …

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3 Reasons You Should Check for Pest Infestation Before Move-In Day

Moving to a new home is an exciting time, which is why you want the transition to be as smooth as possible without any unexpected events. So if you notice a pest infestation in your new home, you might be shocked, to say the least. This is why it is important to check your new home for …

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An image of a brown rat on the grass

3 Most Dangerous Pests for Your House

Your home environment should be safe and healthy for the well-being of your family. However, invasive pests can disrupt your home environment, putting the health of your family at risk. A pest infestation is the worst nightmare of every homeowner, and rightly so. Although not all house pests are equal in terms of causing diseases and …

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A photo of a man in a PPE suit and orange gloves

A Guide to the Three Cs of Pest Control

The pest control process is a lengthy and extensive one, to say the least. Getting rid of pests is difficult, which is why pest control experts use various methods, techniques, tools, and chemicals. The three Cs of pest control refer to control, contain, and clean. These three elements are vital for effective pest control. However, you are in …

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A photo of a cute little mouse

Pests: 4 Major Categories You Should Know About

A pest is referred to an animal that can infiltrate your home and pose a risk to your health. They can cause a lot of damage, such as property damage, food contamination, the spread of diseases, and so on. Before you call a pest control agency, you should identify the pest category you are dealing with. Understanding and learning …

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