Month: July 2022

Mosquito bite

Unknown Bites? How to Identify Bug Bites This Summer

During the summer, people spend more time enjoying outdoor walks, picnics, and swimming. Summer months are also ideal for insects, increasing the risk of bug bites and stings among humans. Though these bites can sting, itch, cause discomfort, and trigger allergic reactions, most of them are harmless. The most common bites are caused by spiders, ticks, …

Unknown Bites? How to Identify Bug Bites This Summer Read More »

Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Apartment with These 6 Tips

There isn’t a place on earth, except maybe Antarctica, where you can’t find roaches. This insect is known to be the strongest and most adaptable. Not only that, you will find around 4500 different species of them. So, unless you’re planning on going to somewhere like Antarctica, you will need to read this blog to learn …

Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Apartment with These 6 Tips Read More »