Roach Control

A photo of a roach

Why Do Roaches Keep Coming Back?

Although there are several types of pests out there, few evoke the same visceral reaction as cockroaches. These resilient insects seem to defy all attempts at eradication, returning time and again to plague households and businesses. But why do roaches keep coming back? This blog by roach control experts will discuss the reasons behind their seemingly unstoppable presence …

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3 Effective Methods for Eliminating and Preventing Cockroach Problems

Cockroaches are unwelcome guests in any home. These quick, creepy crawlies disgust us and can also pose health risks. If you’re facing a cockroach infestation, don’t despair! With a two-pronged approach to roach control, you can reclaim your home from these unwanted visitors. Read on to learn some techniques for roach control. 1. Sanitation is Key: Starve the Enemy Cockroaches are scavengers …

3 Effective Methods for Eliminating and Preventing Cockroach Problems Read More »

Roach Infestation Survival Guide: Tips for Controlling and Eradicating Roaches

Roaches are one of the most commonly found pests in homes, and they are difficult to get rid of. This is mainly because they spread quickly and multiply in no time. You can mostly find them in your kitchen or bathroom, but they can also be present in other parts of your home. Surviving a roach …

Roach Infestation Survival Guide: Tips for Controlling and Eradicating Roaches Read More »

Keep Roaches Out with These 3 Tips

The last thing you want to see in your Benton Harbor home is a roach crawling in your kitchen. They’re annoying, unsightly, and spread rapidly. You feel repulsed and disgusted as they roam over your dishes, counters, and kitchen islands. While cockroaches are common in the Benton Harbor area, there are several hacks homeowners can try to keep …

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