Is Organic the Way to Go? Here’s Why It Might not Help Keep Your Home Pest-Free

There are several approaches to pest control, including the natural route. While this might not be the best solution for a widespread and acute infestation, people still turn to DIYs as they’re cheaper.

But is organic the way to go? Here we study the different organic DIYs that people consider and why they aren’t worth it.


1. Is White Vinegar Worth Giving a Shot?

If you notice insects and pests infiltrating your home, you might be tempted to use white vinegar to ward them off. While it does prevent mosquitoes and ants from living rent free on your property, it doesn’t offer a long term solution. Moreover, you’ll have to empty a few bottles of vinegar to get rid of insects and your house might smell like vinaigrette.


2. Do Herbs Really Work?

Herbs are natural, and you can easily plant them in your home for an unlimited supply. Placing herbs like lemongrass, citronella, or mint near the entry points of your home will stop pests from invading your home but it won’t do anything for the pests that already call your space their home.


A close up image of a bee


3. To Peel or Not to Peel?

The refreshing and light aroma of citrus peels can help ward off pests like ants, spiders, and mosquitos. It’s recommended to rub the peel in infected areas such as doorways or windowsills and let it work its magic. But how many citruses or citrus peels do you need to get this DIY to work?

It’s best to call pest control services to get rid of those pesky pests and save those citrus peels to make some candied peels!


Hire Pest Control Services in Benton Harbor

Kal Pest Solutions is devoted to helping you keep these unwelcomed guests out of your home. We offer a wide array of pest control services, helping you deal with different pest control issues, from rodent control to insect inspection and termite treatment, among others.

Get in touch with us to explore more about our pest control services in Benton Harbor.

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